Meet your Mentor

Welcome! It’s taken me a while to define my role. Coaching is one aspect of my story in which I am qualified, teaching encompasses my 20+ years of work, and guiding mindfulness and meditation has been a true blessing as I've worked with individuals of all ages, continuing to bring me tremendous joy. And, of course, mothering has been my longest career to date, with over 30+ years as a mother. This month, I am excited to become a grandmother, bringing even more joy into my life!

Looking for a new career wasn’t necessary; rather, it was a natural progression and flow from supporting and guiding friends, family, acquaintances, students, parents, and colleagues. Through these interactions and guidance sessions, I found myself receiving an abundance of love and joy. I couldn’t help but continue to grow and expand my services further into the world.

I've come to realize that I am here to be your mentor or coach, whichever angle works best for you. I find myself personable and open, sharing my experiences as a tool to aid you on your journey (3/5 in HD), which embodies the mentoring aspect. Additionally, I possess the Gift of Farsightedness (Gate 17 in my personality Sun), enhancing my coaching skills.

My work is also a daily practice, a check-in with my mindset, beliefs, and approach to life. Practicing daily intentionality, I continually strive to embody the wisdom I share while listening to your wisdom too. I believe in your innate wisdom and am here to help you navigate any detours or challenges that arise, recognizing them as integral parts of your path.

Furthermore, I'm excited to share Human Design, and am passionate about illuminating the inner light within each client; this is what truly lights me up.

If I had a coaching philosophy, it would emphasize presence, playfulness, and creativity, empowering you to recognize your gifts and talents while reframing success, satisfaction, or peace on your terms.

Additionally, I'm here to assist parents in understanding their child’s unique design, bringing me joy as I witness the deeper connections and authentic relationships it fosters for others and my own family.

I can't wait to meet you and start our journey together towards harmony, joy, and purpose.

Ella x

Embrace the ordinary; within it lies the extraordinary magic of your authentic self.
— Ella, Mindful Mentor